Unsung Heroes: Women in the Ancient World
Unsung Heroes: Women in the Ancient World is available on Amazon.
Who were the unsung heroes? Seldom seen and rarely heard, in the hyper patriarchal ancient world, the only women written about were those who were maligned. This anthology of twenty-five articles finally places ancient women front and center. The essays range from historical to mythological–although in the ancient world the boundaries between fact and fiction were not always clear-cut.
BOOK Available
Cult of the captured bride
Cult of the Captured Bride: How Ancient Women Took Power is available on Amazon.
In a society where men set the rules, could a feminine fertility festival have empowered women to the degree that it struck fear in men’s hearts? At first glance, it seems absurd to suggest that an ancient Greek fertility festival should empower women let alone induce fear in the hearts of men—yet the Thesmophoria was not just any fertility festival. From butchered men to the sacred knowledge of fertility, was there a moment in ancient Greece when women ruled supreme?