FemminaClassica: Resurrecting Ancient Women's Lives

FemminaClassica is a collection of articles, podcasts and webinars about women in the classical world whose narratives have long ago been buried
– curated by Mary Naples

“The First War Between Women”: Olympias and Adea Eurydice

The earth turned on its axis the day Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) died. Notorious for his unrestrained aggressivity and hard drinking, it should have come as no surprise to the Greeks that Alexander the Great would not live to see old age. Yet when the warrior king died at the age of thirty-two, it left a power vacuum the likes of which the ancient world had never seen, resulting in widespread unrest and turmoil throughout Alexander’s vast empire.

“The First War Between Women”: Olympias and Adea Eurydice Read More »

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